health benefits of lemon ginger tea

10 Health Benefits Of Lemon Ginger Tea:

Lemon Ginger Tea, Image Credit: pexels

There are many health benefits of drinking lemon ginger tea every day. Although, many people enjoy it as an ultimate comfort beverage. This doesn’t mean lemon ginger tea doesn’t have any medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, This tea is a source of nourishment for your body.

In this article, I will detail ten major health benefits of drinking lemon ginger tea daily. I will also discuss a quick recipe to make this tea in the comfort of your home and possible side effects. Which, of course, will only happen if you consume too much of it.

Health Benefits Of Lemon Ginger Tea:

Many cultures use the key components of lemon ginger tea for their medicinal properties. It is believed that Ginger originated in India and China, where it was used in herbal medicines. On the other hand, Lemons are renowned for being a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Together, the crisp sour flavor of lemon combined with the tangy bitterness of ginger proves to be an ultimate drink with enormous health benefits.

Ten major health benefits are listed below:

1. Relief From Nausea And Vomiting:

Ginger usage for relief from nausea and vomiting is a common practice. Even during pregnancy and Chemotherapy, ginger alleviates the possible effects of nausea. Clinical studies show that consuming a minimum amount of ginger every day has anti-nausea effects. Clinical studies have further deemed the combination of lemon and ginger to be effective and safe to treat indigestion and vomiting.

2. Aids Weight loss:

If you are on a weight loss journey or just trying to maintain a healthy weight. Lemon ginger tea is your potential aid. Studies have found that ginger helps with controlling hunger, and lemon is known to increase insulin resistance. This means less fat will be stored in your body. Lemon and ginger also increase your metabolism, burning more calories.

3. Works As An Immunity Booster:

Lemon is a rich source of antioxidants, while ginger is believed to have anti-bacterial properties against some infections such as salmonella. However, both ingredients are deemed to have immunity-boosting characteristics and are recommended to people who contract infections easily.

4. Lowers Risk Of Cardiovascular And Liver Diseases:

Both lemon and ginger contain components beneficial in treating liver and cardiovascular diseases. Ginger is proven efficient in treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Ginger acts as an insulin sensitizer with a hypolipidemic effect. On the other hand, Lemon is quite effective in treating Cardiovascular Diseases.

5. Promotes Naturally Smooth And Glowing Skin:

Who doesn’t like soft, blemished-free, and glowing skin? If you are fighting skin problems. This tea proves to be your ultimate aid. Lemon ginger tea is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins essential for healthy skin. The anti-bacterial properties also help fight off bacteria that cause skin infections.

6. Improves Concentration And Mindfulness:

Lemon is a key component in aromatherapy. Making a ritual of drinking lemon ginger tea in a quiet room will help you process bad feelings and negative emotions. Both ingredients help in developing concentration and creating an overall moment of mindfulness. Drinking lemon ginger tea also helps in regulating mood swings.

7. Pain Relief: Menstrual Cramps, Muscle Soreness, Headaches

Studies suggest that lemon ginger tea helps with the pain associated with muscle soreness, inflammation, menstrual cramps, and even headache. Many people drink this tea after an intense workout for its calm-inducing properties.

8. Reduces Nasal Congestion:

Whether you are someone affected by seasonal allergies or suffering from an occasional stuffy nose. Lemon ginger tea is your ultimate medicine. The warmth generated from the steam of your hot lemon ginger tea helps open your nasal cavities.

9. Relief From Constipation:

Constipation occurs either due to a low fiber diet or dehydration. If your constipation stems from dehydration, a cup or two of lemon ginger tea will soothe your digestive tract.

10. Helps Hair Growth:

Lemon ginger tea specifically helps with treating scalp-related problems such as dryness and itchiness. A healthy scalp means healthy hair. Drinking this tea every day reduces hair fall and promotes healthy and shiny hair.

Now that we are done with the health benefits of drinking lemon ginger tea. Let’s get preparing this ultimate concoction.

Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe:

Lemon ginger tea is quite easy to make. You will need only three ingredients to prepare this tea.


Lemon (1/2)

Ginger (1 inch or 2.5 cm long root)

water (1 cup)

Honey (to taste)


Boil water in a pan. Add ginger and lemon to boiling water and boil for 10 more minutes. Pour youe tea in a cup. Add fresh lemon rinds and grated ginger for a punch. Add honey to taste. Enjoy!!

Image Credit: flickr

Possible Side-Effects Of Lemon Ginger Tea:

Although, there are not many side effects to lemon ginger tea. But consuming anything in excess can have consequences. Some of the side effects you might experience are listed below:

Upset Stomach: If you drink lemon ginger tea every day or excessively. You might experience mild heartburn or an upset stomach. According to studies, if you consume more than 2 grams of ginger a day. You can experience stomach problems.

Allergic Reaction: Some people have ginger or lemon allergy. It is not suitable for said people to consume this drink.

Thinning Of Blood: Ginger is a natural blood thinner. It contains a compound called salicylate. People with bleeding disorders should consult their physician before consuming this drink.


Lemon ginger tea has medicinal value. The Therapeutic properties can be attributed to the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants present in the tea. This tea helps with treating nausea, weight issues, inflammation, constipation, nasal blockage, dehydration, hair fall, skin problems, and liver diseases. The minimal act of drinking lemon ginger tea every day also promotes mindfulness and concentration.

Lemon ginger tea is consumed throughout the world. Some people consume it for the cozy warm feeling the tea provides. Others try to improve their health through it. The bottom line is, even though there can be some side effects such as upset stomach, allergic reaction, and thinning of blood in particular cases. The health benefits are enormous. To reap the full benefit of this herbal tea. One should consume it in moderation and consult their doctor if they feel any side effects.


Fatima Mateen

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