Types of Natural Stones Used in Home Décor:

natural stones in home decor
 Image Credit: Ian Knapper

For centuries, natural stones have been used in construction and architecture. And rightly so, the charisma and sophistication brought by the natural stones is awe-inspiring. Available in multiple hues, colors, shapes, and forms, natural stones are pleasing to look at and incredibly eco-friendly. The rugged and rustic look brings warmth to the interior and gives your home an earthly aesthetic. From marble to limestone, all natural stones carry a distinct memory of the place they come from. With unique aesthetics, all natural stones give an extensive list of choices for interior designers to pick, combine, and create something fresh and unique.

In this article, I will discuss the usage of some unique natural stones in home décor and how you can create a beautiful aesthetic from them.

Types of Natural Stones Used in Home Décor:

1. Marble:

Marble in interior design
Image Credit: Mirage

For centuries, Marble has been used to create timeless and classical looks. Due to its high porosity and general characteristics, Marble has been used to create sculptures and other statement pieces. However, It is advised not to use Marble in kitchen counters as it requires high maintenance. The best way to use Marble is to create fancy furniture pieces, wall claddings, and accessories. The elegance and sophistication carried by marble make it an all-time favorite of architects and interior designers.

2. Limestone:

Limestone in interior design
Image Credit: euromarble

Limestone is highly durable and readily available. This sedimentary rock is often used in creating wall claddings, flooring, Kitchen counters, and pavement tiles. In recent times, limestone usage in interior design is becoming popular. It is mainly because of its durability and the warm aesthetics it brings to the environment. If you want an estimated idea about the durability of limestone, know that The Great Sphynx of Egypt and Lincoln’s Memorial Building is constructed from limestone.

3. Granite:

Image Credit: Hipcouch

Granite is a minimal maintenance natural stone with high durability. Often used in high-traffic environments such as kitchen countertops and floors, this unique stone will bring warmth and sophistication to your home. Due to its sturdy nature, granite has been utilized to construct old-age buildings such as cathedrals and monuments.

4. Quartzite:

Image Credit: TINO

Quartzite is formed by combining sandstone with high content of quartz. This beautiful natural stone comes in many colors, such as red, black, yellow, blue, and white.

Quartzite is highly durable; it is heat resistant and absorbs almost no moisture. These properties make quartzite perfect to use both indoors and outdoors.

5. Sandstone:

Marble and Sandstone: Natural Stones in Home Decor
Image Credit: Trendsideas

Sandstone is formed from the combination of quartz, mica, and feldspar and is primarily used in coastal areas. This natural stone is prevalent among architects and interior designers for its multi-purpose usage and excellent properties. Sandstone usually comes in red and is resistant to heat and cold temperatures.

6. Onyx:

Types of Natural Stones Used in Home Décor
Image Credit: TOTSTONE

Onyx is a semi-precious translucent stone formed by accumulated volcanic gases. This beautiful stone is used in creating artifacts and unique jewellery pieces. Onyx is truly magnificent to look at and adds a unique dimension to the interior of a home. Moreover, this natural stone comes in many shades, ranging from translucent white to dim orange.

7. Travertine:

Travertine and Marble: Natural Stones and Interior Design
Image Credit: Treehouse

Travertine is a porous type of limestone with much more added personality. Although never out of fashion as Romans used it for constructing temples, bathhouses, and theatres. But it has recently made a comeback in interior design as more people are opting for travertine for its multipurpose usage and excellent durability.

Tips for Utilizing Natural Stones in Home Décor Properly:

Natural stones come in many shapes and forms and carry distinct textures. Each type of stone adds something unique to the environment and carries an ability to create drastic changes. Therefore, it is equally essential to utilize natural stones properly while planning a revamped look for your home.

  • Combination: Instead of going for a monotone look, try opting for a combination of styles and sizes. Combining large and small stones with different shades will create different effects.
  • Complimenting Materials: Aesthetically complimenting materials such as wood are often used along with stones to complete a look. Some professional help might be needed to get the right complimenting material with the stone type of choice.
  • Local Stones: Try opting for local stones instead of importing them, as it is much more sustainable and accessible. Moreover, it will also reduce the cost drastically.
  • Contrasting Colors: Mosaic walls are never out of fashion and prove an eye-catching piece for your kitchen or living room. Likewise, combining different color stones for your garden will create a bright and fun-filled aesthetic.
  • Textures: Being mindful of different natural stones’ textures helps create a unique aesthetic.

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